
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Why I chose not to go to my 10 year reunion

I graduated high school 10 years ago.

I chose not to go to my high school reunion this summer. There were several reasons that played into this decision. Mostly it was the fact that I haven't remained friends with more than 3 people that I graduated with.

High school was a journey in self discovery for me. I transferred high schools before my grade 10 year even happened. So I already knew I was going to be completely alone. I knew no one. Well, I knew of my cousin Isaac, but we had never spoken or met before. Basically, it was me, on my own. I was painfully shy and just wanted to stick my nose in a book and never interact with anyone.

Fast forward three years: I'm graduating. I have tons of friends and I'm like every other grad that night- excited, anxious to start university, and promising everyone that we will stay best friends forever.

Fast forward two years: I'm in my second year of university. I don't keep in touch with anyone that I graduated with. I run into many of them on campus, but it's like we don't know each other. So much for friendships lasting forever. I have made other friends. People that understand me. People that make me laugh and don't mind going to the library to study (because I am a complete bookworm and books still make me happier than people do).

Fast forward to today: I live and work in Ottawa. I keep in touch with one person that I graduated with. My life goals do not include getting married and having kids in the next 2 years (like almost everyone that I graduated high school with). I'm on track to become a chartered accountant. I have friends that I know I will have for the rest of my life. People who I can cry with if I need to. People who understand me inside and out. People who don't mind going for long pointless walks with the dog. Holidays spent here aren't terrible, because these wonderful friends have become part of my family.

So why would I spend money to travel home to see people that I don't really care for, that don't know me, that are going to pass judgement on how my life has turned out in comparison to theirs? There are other reasons not to go: my last year wasn't entirely pleasant, it's expensive to travel home, I didn't want to. People have this grandiose picture of what reunions are like, thanks to Hollywood. I really don't think it's going to be like that at all.

I'm sure you get the picture.

EDIT- I found out, shortly after writing this, that my reunion was cancelled because no one bought tickets. Guess it's not like in the movies after all.

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