
Sunday, March 19, 2017

Stepping out of my comfort zone


I did a thing.

I agreed to be in a musical.

As the title character.

Granted it's a small musical that is being put on in the community where I go to church and it's open to the community not just the congregation. Nevertheless, I'm out of my comfortable spot backstage and stepping into the spotlight. Pun not intended.

I've got 8 weeks to learn my songs and lines.

Wish me luck. I'm gonna need it.

Saturday, March 04, 2017


5 things I rediscovered I like:

  1. Volunteering with Sit With Me
  2. Being back at church on the regular
  3. Having a fully charged iPad
  4. Bullet Journalling
  5. The song "LA Song" by Christian Kane
5 things I dislike:
  1. People who don't signal when turning
  2. When it's super icy out
  3. Having to blow dry my hair when I get out of the shower so it doesn't freeze
  4. That my apartment isn't very warm during the day
  5. Running out of toilet paper
1 thing I love:
  1. Snuggling Nigel when he's the little spoon. <3